I’m Feeling Inspired – Fireplace Inspiration

One of the big Fall/Winter projects I have on my plate is a fireplace remodel. You can see in the picture below that the house simply had a tile surround. No mantle. It’s builder stock and it’s ugly.

[…and Baxter is jumping in the shot again.]


So far I’ve painted the fireplace screen, and there is no more brass. You can see the details about painting the fireplace screen here (it cost less than $5).


I still need to do a lot to get the fireplace in shape, especially since I would love to have it built in time for Christmas stockings to hang on. In the meantime, I spend hours searching for inspiration throughout the internet and magazine. These are some of my favorites that I’ve found online.

This first picture is most like what I expect to do in my own place, only with different tile colors.

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