DIY – Slip Proof Rug

I found this beautiful rug at World Market a few months back and bought it without a second thought. I believe it was around $40, but the bold colors were really stunning, much more vibrant in person. The only problem is that it’s a jute weave, and on a tiled floor, it slides around a lot.

I almost fall nearly everyday, and my dog had slipped around on it as well.

Slip Proof Rug Project

The heavy weight of the jute means it lays flat 100% of the time. I move the rug into the position below for effect so you can see how we trip and slide on a daily basis. I thought this was a better option than staging a fall and trying to photograph it.

Slip Proof Rug Project

In an effort to keep us safe, I decided to slip proof the rug. Now, I could have gone with a rug pad, but in my opinion, they rarely work on tile. The rubber pad just tends to slip around with the rug. So I went with a different, cheaper option.

Step 1:

Collect your supplies…

  • Silicone based Caulking
  • Caulking Gun
  • A piece of wood (to help make straight lines. I didn’t end up using this because I was able to follow the lines in weave in the rug, but if you have a finer weave then you made need the wood or a level)

Slip Proof Rug Project

Step 2:

Lay out the rug, face side down. I was doing this in the garage (away from my shedding dog) so I laid it near the door to help speed the drying time. This would be a great time to either sweep or vacuum the rug. You want it as clean as possible to help the caulking adhere.

Slip Proof Rug Project

Step 3:

Apply a beaded line of caulking around the edge of the rug.

Slip Proof Rug Project

Slip Proof Rug Project

After you finish the edges, apply lines of caulking every few inches across the length of the rug.

Slip Proof Rug Project

You can go back and fill any empty spaces with extra caulking at this point.

Slip Proof Rug Project

Step 4:

Let the caulking dry completely before bringing the rug back inside. I let it sit for several hours even though the caulking felt dry after about 1 hour.

Slip Proof Rug Project

After the caulking is dry, you can bring the rug back inside.

I was going to take a new picture of the rug after it was finished, but it looks exactly the same as it did before. By the way, my dog totally hijacked this shot. As soon as I raised the camera he walked to the rug and sat down.

But when I actually want to take a picture of him, he makes me chase him all over the house and won’t sit still. Lil Butthead.

Slip Proof Rug Project

Now, I will say that this rug will not feel slip proof, unless you are standing on it. If you are not standing on the rug, then it is easy to slide around, in case you need to move it. However, if you are standing on the rug, it won’t move much, your body weight will work with the caulking to make it very slip proof resistant.

Project Cost Breakdown:

1 Container Caulking = $2

Rug (Already Owned)= $0

Caulking Gun/Paper Towels/Wood or Level (Already Owned) = $0

Total Project Cost: $2


Linking To: Polly Want A Crafter, Between Naps on the Porch, Craft-O-Maniac, The Girl Creative, Making the World Cuter, Today’s Creative, Not JUST A Housewife, Sweet Little Gals, Ginger Snap CraftsBlue Cricket Design, Very Merry Vintage Style, We Are THAT Family, Savvy Southern Style, Beyond the Picket Fence, The Artsy Girl Connection, The Shabby Creek Cottage, The Not So Functional Housewife, French Country Cottage, The Shabby Nest, Addicted 2 Decorating, Remodelaholic, The Crafty Nest

28 responses

  1. Excellent idea, glad it worked! Have to keep this in mind. Love your dog. We have a chocolate lab named Molly (Brown, lol) and she is quirky about picture taking. Unless there is food involved, then she is very cooperative!

    • The basic caulking provides enough traction on the floor, but I don’t know that I would use it on stair treads. Perhaps if you used a thicker silicone based caulking it would provide enough traction, but be sure to really test it out to make sure it stays put.

  2. Love the rug … and it’s one of my favorite colors! I’ve had this same problem with just about every throw rug I’ve had. With two Rotti’s, I’m forever straightening them out. Now, I use my electric glue gun and put a big glob (technical word!) of hot glue in each corner on the back. Let it set up, and then flip it over. When it’s ‘set’, the glue won’t stick to the floor, but the waxy material will keep it from sliding! Hope this helps!!

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  8. Will the silicone (after it’s dried) ruin hard wood flooring? anyone try this on wood floors?

    Yep. I have two dogs that like to rearrange my kitchen rugs. 🙂

  9. I’ve found a similar product that produces even better results. It’s fast easy and works so well. It’s called GripCote, It waterproofs, doesn’t rub off and I can pick it right up and move it anywhere. I can’t believe nobody knows about this product from

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