DIY: Gratitude Jar

Every year when Thanksgiving rolls around I’m a little sad for a lack of ‘gratitude’ traditions. This year I thought I would start a new tradition that could be continued on through the years, but it took a little planning to get it started so early in the year.

This year I’m keeping a gratitude jar. I think it will be fun on Thanksgiving to pull out the slips of paper and read through all the things I was grateful for this year. So everyday for the next 11 months I’ll be adding to the jar.

I’m especially excited to someday (a long time from now) do this with my kids, I think it would be a great learning opportunity to help them recognized ‘thankful’ moments everyday.

I also thought this might be sweet to give a newlywed couple. They could fill it with reasons why they are grateful for the other person each day (i.e. “she made my favorite dinner after a tough day at work”, “He brought me flowers for no reason”, “she didn’t nag me during the football game”, “he put the seat down”…ya know, romantic stuff) Just a thought.

Step 1:

Collect your supplies.

  • Large Jar
  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Scissors

Gratitude Jar

About a month ago I picked up this jar from Homegoods and tucked it away through the holidays. Since it’s something that can be kept out all year long, I thought it would be perfect for this project. However, you can get creative and use almost anything as the jar. Some other ideas I had were Apothecary Jars, Wine Bottles or Jugs, Vases, Hurricanes, Mason Jars, Canisters, almost anything would work.

I expect to eventually switch them over to a vintage wine jug, but I haven’t yet found one that I like.

Gratitude Jar

I do recommend using something clear so that you can see the slips of paper add up over the year.

Gratitude Jar

Step 2:

Pick some paper in which to write your grateful moments. For some fun, I picked up some glittery paper from Michaels; however, I’ll also use plain paper as well throughout the year. I like the idea of mixing and matching the paper designs.

Gratitude Jar

Step 3:

Cut strips of paper, large enough to write out a sentence or two, but small enough to fit in the jar. Use a pencil or pen to not only write on the paper, but to curl it as well. I’m hoping my jar will look like a jug of confetti at the end of the year.

Gratitude Jar

At least once a day, write out something you are grateful for. I also date the piece of paper so I can try to remember the memory later on. I’m sure there will be some that say “I’m grateful for my dog”, but I’m going to try and be a little more detailed than that most of the time. I would rather it say, “I’m grateful that my dog let me sleep until 9am then woke me up with big slobbery drool kisses little puppy kisses.”

Gratitude Jar

Step 4:

Drop the curled paper into the jar!

Gratitude Jar

You can easily use things you have around your house and make this project FREE!

The jug I picked up from Homegoods was $15 and the sheets of glittery paper at Michael’s run about $2 each so I won’t use many of them. Overall it cost me $17 to start a fun tradition that I hop will be in my family for many, many years.


Linking To: Between Naps on the Porch, Keeping It Simple, Craft-O-Maniac, The Girl Creative, Everything Under the Moon, Today’s Creative BlogGinger Snap CraftsBlue Cricket DesignVery Merry Vintage Style, We Are THAT FamilySavvy Southern StyleThe Shabby Creek CottageBeyond The Picket FenceThe Artsy Girl ConnectionThe Crafty Nest, Addicted 2 Decorating, The Shabby Nest, French Country Cottage, Dear Creatives, Ohh Baby! DesignsThe Not So Functional HousewifeFunky Junk InteriorsPositively Splendid

What I’m Thankful For…

1. I’m thankful for my family. We’re small and close and I love every single one of them so very much.

2. I never expected to love this little guy as much as I do. My heart was broken after having to put down my first dog and it took me 3 years to work up the courage to give another little pup a good home. However, he has healed every part of my heart and brings me so much joy.

He was 3 lbs when I brought him home in 2008

I'm not getting into any trouble...yet ;)   All these pictures wear me out

He’s grown up to be such a handsome little man.

Baxter 3 years old

3. I’m thankful for my health,because even though I struggle with my weight, I am so much stronger that I realize.

10K finishing time

4. I’m thankful for the few close friends that have stuck with me over the years (you know who you are). I greatly appreciate the extended family you have become.

5. I’m thankful that I have had the opportunity to purchase my first home last year. It has been a great learning experience for me (especially when all the appliances seem to break in one month), but I do love calling it mine and the many improvement projects that are on my list. I feel very blessed to have had this opportunity so early in life.

6. I’m thankful that I have a 9-5 job that has some security and it pays the bills around here. I know how precious a job is and how many out there aren’t able to find them. I may not be the happiest person at work sometimes, but I do appreciate the fact that I have a good paying position at a secure company.

7. I’m so incredibly thankful that my boss allows me to telecommute and work from home every day.

8. I’m thankful for the Black Friday shopping tradition my mom and I share every year. We have a blast every year.

(Last years loot)


9. I’m thankful that I’ve finally taking my life back. It’s been a really tough few years for me and I honestly didn’t see anything good for a long time. This is the first year in a while where I’m able to look back and see my smile coming back.

10. Finally, the most amazing, purest thanks to everyone one of you that stops by this little blog. I started this blog in July with the primary purpose of documenting the things I did to take back my life and change my destiny, as small as they may be. In July I had 76 people stop by, this month so far almost 12,000 people have stopped by and it warms my heart. I never once thought that anyone would be interested in my home projects, recipes, and workout stories, but it honestly makes me smile bigger (and maybe tear up a little) with every comment, ‘like’, email, tweet…hell, anytime I hear from you it makes me smile. Also with your help, this month we’ve raised almost $120 for Toys for Tots through the Penny Donation Campaign, and the number is going up everyday. Thank you for stopping by, taking the time to read my stories, and your comments are so sweet. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

Regardless of whether you celebrate Thanksgiving with the US today, please take a few moments to share what you are thankful for and pass that gratitude along to someone else. Hug a parent, ask a grandparent about a happy memory from their youth, send a thank you card, mend a broken bridge with an old friend, start a gratitude journal, or just take a few moments to make someone else smile today. I wish you all the best during this holiday and my sincerest thanks to every single one of you.

