Spare Bathroom Reveal – 3rd Floor

It’s the start of a new week and I have an exciting bathroom reveal for you. I actually finished this room a while back, before I had started this blog, so I thought I’d share it now. The deep colors just scream fall to me, so it seems like the perfect time.

Just like the Powder Room, and the Laundry Room…this room was all white when I purchased the house. I’m torn on whether this was a good or bad thing. It was so sterile I rushed to paint every room as quickly as possible; but on the other hand, they were an excellent blank canvas. Bad picture is courtesy of the home listing, apparently they were completely averse to vertical pictures. However, it’s the only one that still shows you the ugly brass door knobs and ‘padded room’ white design.


Unfortunately it was so much harder to figure out how to design this room. I started out with a light pink, and it was going to be very girly…too girly. Then I thought grey would be better since this was a spare bathroom, and I thought going gender neutral would be a smarter design choice. However, the grey I bought was really baby blue. I painted one wall in this bathroom three different colors before I landed on a deep olive green.

It’s actually very similar to a Semi Gloss Army Green.

3rd Floor Spare Bathroom - After


In fact I was so giddy to finally find a color that worked that I bought a whole gallon of it. So now I have an almost full gallon of semi gloss olive green paint left to use somewhere else (not sure where yet).

So why did I pick green? It was all because of the towels I found at Target. It’s a little difficult to get a great picture of the deep tones, but they are a really rich palette; with dark brown, deep teal, rust, burgundy, and cream. Shortly after finding the towels,I came across the metal art at Homegoods, it was perfect.

3rd Floor Spare Bathoom - After

3rd Floor Spare Bathroom - After

Back when I lived in the apartment, I had purchased the dark wood hutch for extra storage. I almost didn’t bring it with me when I moved, but it actually worked out great in this room. It added the storage that is very lacking and matched the hardware that I added.

3rd Floor Spare Bathroom - After

3rd Floor Spare Bathroom - After

This is the bathroom overnight guests would use so it’s fully stocked with all the essentials in case anyone should forget something at home, or decide to stay last minute.

3rd Floor Spare Bathroom - After

The knobs are from Anthropologie and make me swoon.


The towel hardware was on clearance at Bed Bath & Beyond. I picked up a second one for another bathroom as well. I actually wish I had bought a few more, but they were out by the time I went back. These replaced the cheapo builder grade silver hardware.

3rd Floor Spare Bathroom - After

The curtain hardware was also a standard oil rubbed bronze rod purchased from BB & Beyond. However, the curtain itself is just fabric from JoAnn’s. I had used this as my bedroom curtains at the apartment, but the cream color matched the towels and the subtle design seemed to play well in the room.

3rd Floor Spare Bathroom - After

I only needed to add a shower curtain liner which I picked up for super cheap at Wal-Mart.

3rd Floor Spare Bathroom - After

…however the fabric is a little long and I still need to hem the curtains.

3rd Floor Spare Bathroom - After

3rd Floor Spare Bathroom - After

3rd Floor Spare Bathroom - After

The accessories were random odds and ends that I had stashed around the house.

3rd Floor Spare Bathroom - After

3rd Floor Spare Bathroom - After

I love this statue. I wish I could recall where I bought it from. When in doubt, Homegoods is probably a good guess. (It may have also come from Cost Plus World Market)

3rd Floor Spare Bathroom - After

Yet, my favorite part of the entire room is this section. I love the star and that candle, they make me happy.



I still have some things I’d like to do in here; such as replace the vanity and the flooring, but otherwise I love the way it turned out.

I don’t have a specific cost breakdown for this one since I didn’t itemize as much before I started the blog. Although, with the help of my trusty calculator (I suck at math), I estimate it was around $100. I bought a lot of things on clearance/sale and I used coupons as well, so this room was a bargain.


Linking To: Thrifty Decor Chick, Between Naps on the Porch, Keeping It Simple, Craft-O-Maniac, The Girl Creative, Making the World Cuter,  Today’s Creative BlogNot JUST A HousewifeSavvy Southern StyleWe Are That FamilyVery Merry Vintage StyleBlue Cricket Design, Ginger Snap Crafts, The Shabby Creek Cottage, Beyond The Picket Fence, The ArtsyGirl Connection, Between U & MeThe Crafty NestRemodelaholicAddicted 2 Decorating, The Shabby Nest, The French Country Cottage, Dear Creatives, 5 Minutes Just For Me, The Not So Functional Housewife, Funky Junk Interiors

20 responses

  1. You’ve truly brought this space to life! I have never seen such a nice, wood shelf for behind the toilet before! I only ever see those cheap particle board white ones or metal. I love yours, I could use one of those, lol!!

  2. Hi Addison!
    Really like your changes. The color scheme is great.
    One thing you might want to try is raising your shower rod and letting the curtains “pool” somewhat. Just a thought. Thanks for sharing your home with us.

    • Hi Jan!
      I really like the idea of raising the curtain, the only probably I have is that the water liner would be too short. However, I’ll keep an eye out for longer shower curtain liners and try to use this idea. Thanks!

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